The Friends of Governors Island

The Friends of Gov­er­nors Island is an inde­pen­dent non­prof­it that works to ensure the Island’s con­tin­ued growth and acces­si­bil­i­ty as a vibrant pub­lic resource. As the des­ig­nat­ed fundrais­ing part­ner of the Trust for Gov­er­nors Island and the Nation­al Park Ser­vice, the Friends stew­ards the Island’s green spaces, enhances the vis­i­tor expe­ri­ence and builds a com­mu­ni­ty ded­i­cat­ed to the Island’s future.

Our core activ­i­ties include run­ning Gov­er­nors Island’s vis­i­tor ser­vices and vol­un­teer pro­grams; rais­ing funds to care for the park’s land­scapes, expand pub­lic access, and cre­ate more free pro­gram­ming; and advo­cat­ing to ensure Gov­er­nors Island remains a shared space for all.

We wel­come dream­ers, inno­va­tors and nim­ble thinkers who want to help us shape this great pub­lic space for the next gen­er­a­tion of New York­ers. Join us!


The Friends of Governors Island

The Friends of Gov­er­nors Island was found­ed in 1995 as the Gov­er­nors Island Alliance to advo­cate for the return of Gov­er­nors Island to the peo­ple of New York. The organization’s goal of rede­vel­op­ing the for­mer mil­i­tary base as a great civic space was the basis for the 2003 trans­fer of the Island from the Fed­er­al Gov­ern­ment to New York and the Nation­al Park Ser­vice. The Gov­er­nors Island Alliance became an inde­pen­dent non­prof­it in late 2014 and changed its name to the Friends of Gov­er­nors Island in 2016.

For the his­to­ry of Gov­er­nors Island, read more here.

Board of Directors

Chair: EB Kel­ly, Tish­man Spey­er
Vice Chair: Daniel Reynolds, Cleary Got­tlieb Steen & Hamil­ton LLP
Trea­sur­er: Justin Gins­burgh, Jet­Blue
Sec­re­tary: Han­nah Blu­men­thal, Han­nah Blu­men­thal Design

Michael Burke, Horn­blow­er Group / City Expe­ri­ences
Bet­ty Chen, BYC Projects
Jesse Damashek, Dia­geo
Peter Ebright, New York Cruise Lines
Tim Edwards, Cap­i­tal One
Lau­ra Fox, Streetlife Ven­tures
Adam Freed, Bloomberg Asso­ciates
Tal Golomb, Fried, Frank, Har­ris, Shriv­er & Jacob­son
Chris Grosso, Inter­sec­tion
Jamie Joyce, Liq­uid Rock Col­lec­tive LLC
Melanie Katz­man, Katz­man Con­sult­ing
Robert Levine, RAL Com­pa­nies and Affil­i­ates LLC
Xiao Lin­da Liu, McK­in­sey & Co.
Bri­an Miller, Angi
Char­lie Miller, Brook­field Asset Man­age­ment
Jame­son Mon­es, Black­stone
Rachel Mor­ri­son Mon­toya, Oxford Prop­er­ties
Tim­o­thy O’Brien, NYC Fer­ry
Robert Pirani, Hud­son Riv­er Foun­da­tion
Marc Ricks, Shop­Core Prop­er­ties
Dar­ren Schluter, PJT Park Hill
Marc Tre­viño, Sul­li­van & Cromwell
Lau­ren Wolf, New York City Eco­nom­ic Devel­op­ment Corporation

Exec­u­tive Direc­tor: Pat­ti Davis


The Friends of Gov­er­nors Island’s audit­ed finan­cial state­ments are below. Note: the orga­ni­za­tion received its inde­pen­dent 501(c)(3) sta­tus at the end of 2014 and com­plet­ed its first inde­pen­dent fis­cal audit in 2015. For addi­tion­al finan­cial infor­ma­tion, please con­tact info@​friendsgi.​org.

2020 – 2021 Audit­ed Finan­cial Statements

2018 Audit­ed Finan­cial Statements

2017 Audit­ed Finan­cial Statements

2016 Audit­ed Finan­cial Statements

2015 Audit­ed Finan­cial Statements